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SYSTEM NOTICE: The USACRC will be performing maintenance on the ARAP application on Friday, 18 October 2024, 0700-1700 CDT (1200-2200 ZULU). Users may experience a brief interruption of service during the time the maintenance is taking place. Please plan accordingly.
for Soldiers & Employees
Taking a Survey?
Enter your Survey Code to get started

Survey Help What to expect

Step 1 Receive Access Code

Unit Commander / Representative will provide access code

Step 2 Enter Access Code

Use the Access Code provided by your Commander or Director

Step 3 Complete Survey

Answer each question within the survey

Step 4 Print/ Save/ Email Certificate

When you complete the survey you will receive a certificate

Registration Help Getting Started

Step 1 Register

Click "Register Your Organization"

Step 2 Complete and Submit Registration

Provide all required information and submit your registration

Step 3 Receive Access Codes

When your unit is approved by the CRC you will receive the Access Code


is a Web-based resource that provides battalion-level commanders with data on their formation's readiness posture through seven categories:
  • Common Core - Common Core questions are general and universal questions that are answered by every survey taker. These questions provide a collection of responses utilized to establish a benchmark for the Army’s overall safety climate and culture.
  • Organizational Processes - Organizational Processes questions focus on the primary activities that an organization performs to safely and successfully execute its mission.  Organizational Processes are things that influence safety daily such as doctrine, regulations, SOP’s, procedures, training and education, as well as materials and equipment. They directly influence work production effectiveness and efficiency, accident and fatality rates, inspection results, and morale and motivation.
  • Organizational Climate - Organizational Climate questions focus on the Soldiers and/or employees shared perceptions or experiences of the policies, practices, and procedures in their workplace that is associated with expected behaviors that get rewarded and supported. Organizational climate is directly influenced by organizational culture which is a set of shared expectations over time defining appropriate behavior for various situations.
  • Resources  - Resources questions focus on whether or not Soldiers and employees collectively view that they are being provided adequate resources throughout the organization to safely complete or perform their assigned task. Resources include things such as personnel, money, time, knowledge/expertise, equipment, safety plans, stress management, and work/ training opportunities.
  • Supervision - Supervision questions evaluate leadership regarding communication, enforcement of written guidance and procedures, and the establishment/implementation/compliance of an organization’s safety program.
  • Safety Programs - Safety program questions assess the holistic view of an organization’s Safety Program and whether or not it seeks opportunities for improvement that can reduce accident exposure and maximize mission accomplishment. 
  • Open Ended - Open-ended questions allow personnel to respond in his/her own words providing specific feedback to the commander regarding their perspective of the organization’s safety program, climate and culture.

Designed for use by battalion-sized units, the program asks several questions of battalion commanders and directors.

  • Wouldn't you like to know if your unit is about to experience a mishap?
  • Wouldn't you like to prevent the loss of personnel and equipment?
  • Don't you want to protect your combat power?
Following the survey administration (the assessment phase), the commander receives one-on-one feedback on key issues regarding command climate, safety culture, resource availability, workload, estimated success of certain safety intervention programs, and other factors relating to their unit's overall readiness.


To download this video, right click the Download Video link below and select "Save Target As...".

Videos of Safety Managers

Future ARAP Video's "Under Construction"

What is the requirement for an assessment?

A minimum of 2/3 or 66% of the unit needs to take the survey before the commander can request to view the results.  Units/organizations with less the 200 participants will be required to get a higher percent of surveys taken as instructed during the registration process.  This statistical calculation is used to ensure that all commanders receive a 95 percent level of accuracy in the data being debriefed.

Why do I want my organization to take the assessment?

When done within 90-days of assuming command, this assessment affords commanders a "free-look" at their unit's safety climate/culture.  The command receives measurable and quantifiable data to review, while simultaneously getting potential courses of action in improving respondent identified problem areas.  Historically unit’s that score in the bottom quartile (low) are twice as likely to experience a Class A mishap than those scoring in the top quartile (high).  ARAP's goal is to identify and correct organizational conditions that could increase the potential for loss.

How is a survey completed?

ARAP is web-based Surveys can be completed using Smartphone, Tablet, or any computer with internet connection Assessment code is also required and will be provided by your organization.

Do I need my Common Access Card (CAC) to complete a survey?

CAC is not required to complete a survey

How much time does it take to complete a survey?

Approximately 10-15 minutes to complete a survey.

How long does my organization have to complete the assessment?

Organizations are given 90 days to complete the assessment.

What happens if my organization can't complete the assessment on time?

Adjustments can be made on a case-by-case basis by contacting an ARAP team member.

How does each person remain anonymous?

All Soldiers/employees will use the same unique code that will be provided by the organization.

What happens if I don’t complete the survey?

The command does not know who has completed a survey, but your command needs your input to identify safety issues that may need to be addressed to assist in improving unit.

How do I enroll my Organization in ARAP?

Commander/Director or designated represented go to the "Guest User" tile from the ARAP home page and login (CAC enabled).  If this is the first-time logging in a profile must be created After the new profile is created, you have the option to save or save and go to registration If your profile has been created log in and the click on "Register Your Organization" tile.

Who monitors the progress for each Organization?

The commander/director, the Organization's assigned representative and ARAP team members.

Who will review the assessment results?

The commander/director is given sole access to their command's results.  The results are for the organization as a whole and not by individual surveys.

What information does the command see?

The Commander will be able to view the information collected from the assessment in both, graph and table form with percentages and the ranking of answers submitted by the organization All write in comments are also available for reviewing.

Can my organization take the assessment more than once?

Yes, we recommend waiting approximately 12 months between assessments.

Can Brigade and Division Commanders review subordinate Organization data?

Brigades and Divisions can request their higher command code to review their subordinate units.  Brigade and Division levels must have at least two battalions enrolled.

Is completing a survey limited to Soldiers in my Organization?

Civilians, Local Nationals, and Contractors in your Organization may also complete a survey.

When does the Organization's Commander/Director receive their Access Code?

The Commander/Director or designated represented contacts the ARAP team to schedule a debrief, at which time, the Commander/Director or designated represented will receive the access code 24 - 48 hours prior to scheduled debrief from the de-debriefing analyst.

What if I am not a Battalion or Battalion equivalent Organization, Can I still participate?

No. There are some exceptions for HQ Brigade and Higher. ARAP is designed for Battalion or Battalion equivalent Organizations.

Battalion Commander/Director

  • Assessment of safety climate & culture
  • Immediate snapshot of the organization
  • Detailed analysis, charts & graphs
  • Recommended actionable data
  • Comparable data to Army & like units
  • Identify areas of concerns
  • Pinpoint areas to direct limited resources
  • Quantitative information about what soldiers/employees need and want from their organization
  • ARAP cannot predict the future, but it can provide a baseline (matrix) for future policy, planning, performance and production efforts
  • Develop, builds cultural competence in work place safety
  • Gives the command a sample of their personnel expectation for safety
  • Provides a foundation for developing a strategy to reduce risk in the work place
  • ID potential high risk personnel or groups.
  • What I am doing right vs wrong
  • Do junior leaders and middle managers understand my intent on safety
  • Template for briefing higher command


Higher Commanders/Directors (Bde, Garrison, Div, ARCOMS)

  • Access to reports and critical data 24/7
  • Assist with meeting periodic annual safety objectives
  • Assessment of established policies/procedures
  • Matrix of senior commander’s intent
  • Assist with delegation of limited resources
  • Identify leading indicators for future safety strategy that facilitates cultural change
  • Provides a platform to give Soldiers/employees specific to their concerns
  • An aggregate confirmation or validation of the safety climate from subordinate units (perception is reality)



  • Opportunity to provide candid & open communication without fear of retribution
  • Ability to submit written comments to address specific concerns
  • Totally anonymous
  • Simple but effective and doesn’t require much time
  • Online survey with easy access from around the world
  • Immediate and direct feedback from commander to survey participants
  • Confident that our voices are being heard without being filtered


Safety Officer/NCO/Manager

  • Allow technology to canvas your organization in minutes
  • Assist the commander in meetings the FY SOH objectives
  • Identify focus areas
  • Assess how effective/efficient safety information flows
  • Identify hazards for mitigation
  • Have firsthand knowledge short cuts are being taken
  • Advise the commanders of unfiltered concerns and recommendations
  • Improve command relationship (value added through programmed collaboration)
  • Documented Soldier & employee involvement
  • More visibility in the organization
  1. Historically unit’s that score in the bottom quartile (low) are twice as likely to experience a Class A mishap than those scoring in the top quartile (high)
  2. One of the only assessments that provides immediate feedback to the commander/director or senior leadership
  3. The ARAP assessment gives personnel the opportunity to provide candid feedback without fear of retribution
  4. Analysis show issues/concerns that affect the effectiveness and/or readiness of tactical units are the same as within non-tactical units (accountability, communication, leadership, lack of resources and policies)
This section will be populated in the future.